Hack Your Hormones
What a Performance Protein Powder!
With its full deck of amino acids, creatine, shilajit, essential macro and micro nutrients, plus plenty of good fats, WillPowders’ Performance Protein, is one in the back of the net for your sporting and fitness prowess!
Recall a time when you’ve played ‘create the dream team’ for your sport of choice. You chose from any era, any nation, across genders; you make the slickest, swiftest, sharpest team and, as their player manager, smash it every time. Obviously! Well, at WillPowders, we think about supplementation in the same way. When we develop a product, we think clean, efficient and effective. And, it’s been a classic case of he shoots, he scores in our product development team bringing to the performance protein field WillPowders Performance Protein Powder. Of course, we’ve sidestepped e numbers (sunset yellow FCF E110 is definitely not our team colour), whereas, in some creatine powders, the lists are as long as all your exes’ phone numbers. Plus, we’ve swerved artificial sweeteners and kicked sugar to the curb. For ultra low carbs, form an orderly queue at the turnstiles!
WTF is on the team sheet for WillPowders Performance Protein?
New to our protein powder team list are creatine and shilajit. If your protein powder doesn’t have these two superlatives on the ingredients list, your inner coach might well be forgiven for demanding, are you even serious about your strength and fitness? Maybe it’s time to take this transfer window opportunity and ditch the ‘bloateins’ of pea (and the attendant trumps and toots!) and whey (just, why?) and get on board with some real boner ingredients!
Well, it looks like it’s a game of 8-a-side with absolutely no ringers:
- Scandinavian beef bone broth powder
- MCT Keto powder
- Creatine monohydrate
- Cocoa powder
- Natural chocolate flavour
- Shilajit
- Stevia
- Celtic sea salt
And we’re done. No need to start leafing through the Food Standards Agency handbook with WillPowders.
You had me at creatine!
With your sports and fitness legacy, you’re probably familiar with creatine’s well documented list of accomplishments and it will have been a long time since you asked, what does creatine do? Its interaction with the body’s natural enzyme creatine kinase is evidentially beneficial because it ‘consistently demonstrates the ability to enlarge the pool of intracellular creatine, leading to an amplification of the cell’s ability to resynthesize adenosine triphosphate [which your muscles are going to use for energy]’ [*] creating a pretty impressive list of the benefits of creatine and its performance outcomes:
- increases in maximal strength (low-speed strength)
- maximal work output
- power production (high-speed strength)
- sprint performance
- fat-free mass
- enhanced force output
- augmented power output
- increased strength
- increased anaerobic threshold
- increased work capacity
- enhanced recovery
- enhanced training adaptations
Additionally, creatine supplementation may:
- speed up recovery time between bouts of intense exercise by mitigating muscle damage
- promote the faster recovery of lost force-production potential during exercise
Check, check, check. You’ve never felt more like the podium awaits. And, in short, if you’re the one staring at the gym bunny, wondering how the f*ck they’re doing yet another rep, know that it’s probably creatine doing the extra lift while they soak up the admiring looks and glory! That could be you …

Who doesn’t secretly love a little one-upmanship? Get a piece of the action! And none of the windy embarrassment …
We’ve all got a competitive streak. There’s definitely something addictive about being just that bit better, even if it’s competition with yourself alone being a hair’s breadth better at a bicep curl than you were last week. With WillPowders Performance Protein, you can get your creatine boost as it contains creatine powder, and you get the satisfaction of knowing that you aren’t, unlike many other strength seekers who choose whey powder as their protein source, pumping yourself full of gut-wrecking sugars, natural stevia being WillPowders sweet, non-carbohydrate sweetness of choice. And, while we are on the subject of sugars, whey proteins, which you may be more familiar with, can make you fart like a trooper because of the lactose (that’s the sugar in dairy products) they contain, even though your gut may be familiar with lactose in your regular diet and normally causes no problems [*]. If you want to perform the perfect squat with confidence in a public place without eeking out any noxious and audible gases, then switching to a bone broth protein might be just the thing. Afterall, there’s no point in getting admiring glances for your physique but having the arsehole of a gaseous ruminant.
Alongside the bonus that bone broth proteins won’t make you bloat and fart, because of the full spectrum of amino acids, you won’t have to spend half your day making notes in a nutrition journal.
Like, why? Who has time for that sort of fastidiousness? Not us! Because we base our performance protein powder on the brilliance of bone broth, you’re getting the full squad of amino acids. Done, dusted. That doubles team of bone broth and creatine could have you building lean muscle mass every time you bear a weight. The next time a four year old asks to be carried home from a family walk, you might well consider it resistance training for a new Olympic sport! And, just while we are on the subject of overly complicated gym regimen, you won’t have to ask when to drink creatine. Have our Performance Protein Powder whenever you fancy in the day. Your body’s creatine kinase will mean that the creatine is stored ready to be converted to energy your skeletal muscles need as and when. 3-5g of creatine a day will keep you at a saturation point, once you’re in the habit of enjoying our boosted protein powder.
Including bone broth as our main protein in this product, means there’s also a generous scoop of macro nutrients in electrolyte form so that they’re easily absorbed and could keep muscle cramps at bay during exercise [*]. Because there’s little more irking than having to hit the brake on the spin bike while you hop off and dance around like a cat on hot bricks while keeping your foot flexed, well, not unless you want to draw attention to yourself …

The mental edge that creatine can afford you
Everyone knows the game’s not just about physical strength. You can be as strong as you like, but if your brain is having a day off, so isn’t in the arena with you, well, you’re f*cked. How often have we gone to conquer that boulder, nail that extra kilo or shave that hundredth of a second off but a few bad night’s sleep have just stolen our edge? Well, it turns out that a dose of creatine might be just what our brains need to give us the cognitive function edge. Scientists recently discovered that ‘creatine has the potential to be used in prolonged cognitive activity’ during periods of sleep deprivation [*]. The study is scientifically new, its results published in 2024, and the dosage of creatine still needs further research (they gave their subjects 0.35g of creatine per kg of subject’s weight in a single dose). But, it does beg the question whether keeping topped up with an optimum creatine amount of 3g a day, which is the amount of creatine there is in a serving of WillPowders Performance Protein, as well as the suggested amount of creatine for skeletal muscle saturation levels, (yup, we don’t skip the groundwork), could afford your sporting brain a buffer against a bad night’s sleep before the big race. Come to mudder!
Q: What is shilajit? A: a possible answer to fatigue
Fatigue: it’s the enemy of those of us who love to be active. Well, shilajit, that sweat of the mountains, that mountain blood, or rock juice, could be the team mate with that little secret rocket to put pep in your step. Shilajit’s key components seem to be fulvic acid, a nootropic, and humic acid. While shilajit has been used in traditional medicine, such as Ayurveda, for hundreds of years as an energiser and rejuvenator, the West has now taken a butchers, and started to apply a little scientific research into the potential benefits residing within this centuries old humectant. A recent study [*] demonstrated that induced chronic fatigue in rats (apparently, they tire quickly when they take a swim) which results in periods of immobility and decreased climbing behaviour can be eased with the introduction of shilajit. It’s a case of the rats demonstrating for scientists what ancient medicine practitioners knew was likely true for humans all along. And what a familiar story that is. With our Himalayan shilajit also boasting iron, zinc, selenium, calcium and manganese, your essential micro nutrients are getting some fortification to boot. We can’t help but fall for the advantages of shilajit.

Shilajit and testosterone, a key hormone for all
Shilajit benefits for females and menfolk include supporting testosterone. Testosterone probably isn’t the reason why all sports changing rooms have that ubiquitous smell, that’s just because sweat went there to die - but, it is ubiquitous across the sexes when it comes to hormone health. This anabolic steroid is produced in the testes, ovaries and adrenal glands. We all need it as part of our sex drive, and bone and muscle health. The odds are that, if we are in the middle lands of our years, then our testosterone levels are probably in decline. Yup, read ‘em and weep! The benefits of shilajit in research [*] shows that purified shilajit can stimulate testosterone secretion, the conclusions drawn were that, when healthy volunteers between 45 and 50 years of age were given 25mg of purified shilajit after major meals for 90 days, the treatment group yield results in which, ‘Testosterone synthesis and secretion was supported by the maintenance levels of two gonadotropic hormones LH [luteinising hormone] and FSH [follicle stimulating hormone] as well as elevation of testosterone precursor DHEAs [Dehydroepiandrosterone which help produce testosterone]’. So, if you’re feeling a little flaccid, so to speak, shilajit might just help invigorate your body's natural production of testosterone.
WillPowders Performance Protein, when all said and done, could have you buffed, brimming with energy and sharp as a pin, then. All in all, it might well add up to a resurgence in Momma’s a rider and Daddy’s a roller!
You can thank WillPowders later. Down, Boy!
Further Reading
Creatine for Exercise and Sports Performance with Recovery Considerations for Healthy Populations is definitely worth a read.
Read why whey protein makes your farts stink here, because, aren’t you just a little fart curious?
A single dose of creatine improves cognitive performance and induces changes in cerebral high energy phosphates during sleep deprivation according to research and authors Gordji-Nejad, A., Matusch, A., Kleedörfer, S. et al.
If only for your libido’s sake, try Clinical evaluation of purified Shilajit on testosterone levels in healthy volunteers
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Our blogs are written with love in the hope that they go some way in helping you feel like the rockstar you are, and whilst we do our due diligence, research like maniacs and fact check our stuff, we know everyone’s journey is different. They are intended to educate and empower you, not usurp medical advice. We would never advise you to stop, adjust, or modify any prescription medication without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner, but don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about your new found knowledge, brought to you by the marvels of nature because they don't know everything! Blogs are always informed by Davinia but often written by a member of the team. Not all blogs reflect Davinia's experiences and sometimes provide alternative perspectives