Sam really suffered with the effects of candida. She was breaking out in hives and her mental health was being impacted significantly. After finding Davinia and WillPowders, she has never felt mentally stronger and she is hive free... hoorah!
Read Sam's story below...
So happy! I saw my naturopath at the weekend, I haven’t seen him since June last year. I initially started seeing him in January last year as I had chronic hives and knew there had to be a physical reason as opposed to the usual brush off by the doctor saying “you need to find out what you are allergic too”.
He analysed my blood and he diagnosed severe Candida in my gut. I did a total elimination of yeast and sugar for 8 weeks along with supplementation and it cured it.
Fast forward to breaking my ankle and injuring my back and finding Davinia.
After changing all the things she advises, I went back to see my naturopath to see if my new lifestyle has made a difference.
He was soooo impressed! My blood cells were swimming along as they should be (when I first went they were all clumped together), there was virtually no trace of Candida.
It just shows this way of life works! When I went to see him last year, I was at rock bottom, depressed & a blotchy mess. I have a way to go physically but mentally, I have never been stronger.
I supplement with MCT Oil and Collagen to support with my sugar cravings and to keep the candida at bay.