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High Protein Spinach Wraps

High Protein Spinach Wraps

Preparation Time | 5 mins

Cooking Time | 15 mins

Servings | 2-4

These high in protein Spinach wraps are a great alternative to a carb heavy tortilla.


Step 1

Preheat oven to 180 degrees

Step 2

Blend your spinach, eggs or egg whites, a dash of salt, pepper and onion or garlic powder.

Step 3

Cover a baking sheet with with parchment paper and oil.

Step 4

Pour your wrap mixture and spread thinly

Step 5

Cook for 15-20 minutes

Step 6

Remove, cut, eat or store (5-7 days in fridge)


  • Large bag of Spinach (around 900g)
  • 4 eggs (you can use the whole egg or just egg whites if you prefer
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1/2 tsp of onion or garlic powder.