WillPowders Say Thank You with a Transformations Shoot
For Verena, Suzie, Rachel, Lizzie and Cathy
On Wednesday, the 15th November, I was lucky enough to attend the WillPowders Transformations shoot in Manchester where I got to meet five incredible women who had previously shared their WillPowders stories and journey to optimum health, and, in return, were gifted a makeover and photoshoot as a thank you for their custom, commitment and advocacy of WillPowders.
As I drove through the grey and drizzly city, I had no idea what to expect. Flashes of glamorous photoshoots appeared in my mind, but nothing prepared me for the million dollar experience that was about to unfold. It was no ordinary day at the office, let me tell you and more like something you see in the movies. The drizzle disappeared as it was swallowed up with bright lights, trendy background music, bustling energy and wide smiles that filled Studio One.
The WillPowders Team
The atmosphere was electric as I watched the WillPowders team rally round, curating the most incredible experience for five women who, like me, found the whole day a complete contrast to their everyday lives. It felt special and such a privilege to witness and listen to each woman’s story, each one being so relatable and honest. Sarah, WillPowders Head of Marketing and Davinia’s Wingwoman, has been with WillPowders since the very beginning, and she was determined to make the women’s experience as perfect as she could, ensuring that everyone felt comfortable and like the superstars they are. Her energy and passion for the women there and for WillPowders was palpable, greeting everyone with unrivalled enthusiasm and love. Sarah was joined by Mollie, WillPowders Customer Service Goddess and organisational Queen, who raced round like a whirlwind, doing what she does best, making sure everyone was okay and ensuring they had a day to remember.

The Glam Squad
A team of skilled makeup artists from The Cassie Lomas Agency curated looks that accentuated their natural beauty, while the incredible stylist, Gemma Shepherd (from ITV’s 10 Years Younger), meticulously selected outfits that mirrored their newfound vitality. Their vibrant smiles told the tales of wellness, and the air buzzed with laughter and camaraderie as Karl Collins skillfully captured each magical moment on his camera, immortalising their beauty and newfound happiness in pixels.
Lovely Ladies
The room echoed with stories of perseverance, self-discovery, and the joy of reaching their health goals. Through the lens, the images unfolded like a visual poem, a testament to the strength and grace that accompanies a commitment to well-being. It wasn't just a photo shoot; it was a celebration of inner strength and a testament to the power of self-care. Each frame encapsulated the beauty of their individual journeys, forever reminding them of the fabulous adventure they had undertaken towards achieving their new found sense of health and well-being.

Chef Dan
The shoot was punctuated by Dan Kirkham, WillPowders resident chef extraordinaire, whipping up some incredible, bite size, nutrient dense nibbles and graciously serving them to everyone there. We talked for ages about future recipes and his incredible wellness journey, both in his personal and professional life, making it so obvious why he is such a well informed and integral part of the WillPowders family.
Transformations Joy
The WillPowders team spent the day interviewing the lovely ladies, finding out how WillPowders have helped them to transform their health. Adeptly digging under the surface of the women’s stories, they created shareable content to ensure that WillPowders can continue to disseminate their knowledge and understanding of how women can feel like absolute rockstars with a little know-how.

Meeting Queen DT
Davinia Taylor, WillPowders CEO, also attended the shoot, excited and eager to meet the five women and hear, first hand, all about their WillPowders journeys. Bouncing in like a bundle of energy and giving some of herself to everyone in the room before she had barely stepped over the studio’s threshold. Davinia arrived in her school drop off gear after fulfilling the role of mum and straight into adorning her business woman hat, answering questions left right and centre. Opting for a DIY makeover, pulling out her own makeup bag and getting ready for a few shots with the women at a coffee table, not wanting to take away from the women’s experience, still answering questions that were being fired at her from all directions, whilst simultaneously throwing smiles at everyone who caught her eye.
What She's All About
I have known Davinia for a few months now and every conversation I have had with her has been rooted in improving the lives of as many women as possible. There is no denying that she is a business woman and a damn good one at that, but at the heart of every decision she makes at WillPowders is for the betterment of women’s hormonal and overall health and well-being. She is committed to being knowledgeable and a source of information so that she can fulfil her mission in highlighting the misconceptions associated with food and nutrition, ensuring women know how to claim their energy back and feel like the best versions of themselves. She is a walking talking version of how everyone can feel in their own skin. There is something so pure about why she works as hard as she does, and seeing the joy on her face as she watched her loyal customers live their best lives during the Transformations shoot was proof of that. She has a way of making you feel completely at ease and making you feel cared about. She has turned the adversity, the trials, tribulations and pitfalls that she has faced into something positive and aspirational, which is why she is so relatable and so real. This was something echoed by the women chosen for the shoot; as I spent the day chewing the fat, I realised that there was so much love, so much gratitude and appreciation in the room for Davinia, something I don’t think she realises which just makes her even more likeable.

Ladies in Lights
As I watched the women, who, at first, were shy in front of the camera, respond to the encouragement of the WillPowders team and Davinia, finding their confidence and revelling in the glamour of the day, it filled my heart with joy. After listening to their stories about how they had taken control of their physical and mental health by following the advice and using the products that Davinia has created and provided, watching them connect with one another through shared experiences made me feel completely and utterly in awe of them.
WillPowders Winners
Whilst the Transformations shoot was a really special thing for WillPowders to organise, the sense of support and community that echoed around the studio, and watching women celebrate other women was the real magic. Magic I know Davinia and the WillPowders team are keen to keep conjuring for the continued improvement of women’s health and happiness.
Read Cathy, Lizzie, Suzie, Rachel and Verena's story, the five incredible women who underwent the WillPowders Transformation Day and who I spent the day chatting to. It was such a pleasure to meet them and I’m sure that the WillPowders community will feel as inspired about their journeys as I did.
To Davinia and the WillPowders team, on behalf of the community that you have created, thank you for being a beacon of hope and light for women who have been navigating in the dark for too long.
Our blogs are written with love in the hope that they go some way in helping you feel like the rockstar you are, and whilst we do our due diligence, research like maniacs and fact check our stuff, we know everyone’s journey is different. They are intended to educate and empower you, not usurp medical advice. We would never advise you to stop, adjust, or modify any prescription medication without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner, but don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about your new found knowledge, brought to you by the marvels of nature because they don't know everything! Blogs are always informed by Davinia but often written by a member of the team. Not all blogs reflect Davinia's experiences and sometimes provide alternative perspectives